Got Bees?

Bee Removal Phoenix and Bee Rescue Phoenix, AZ

Bee Removal Phoenix | Always No-Kill Relocation | Responsive, Friendly, and Reliable | Phoenix Beekeepers

Bee Removal Phoenix!

We Provide the ENTIRE Phoenix, AZ Valley with live bee removal. We are beekeepers here in Phoenix dedicated to providing you with bee rescue!


On every bee removal, we do NOT exterminate. Instead, we do bee rescue. We never use any harmful chemicals or pesticides! We SAVE the BEES!


Our results are long-lasting, as we remove the entire beehive AWAY from its unwanted location! Each beehive removal we do comes with a guarantee you can rely on!

Bee Removal and Bee Rescue Information You Need to Know!

Are you looking for live bee removal?

Did you know that most bee removal/ pest extermination companies out there simply spray the bees? Even ones that claim to be “beekeepers”?

It's unfortunate, but very few know how to deal with a colony of bees.
Properly relocating a beehive takes knowledge of beekeeping and construction. After the removal, the bees will need to be provided with a home and given what they need to restart. To properly do all this, you must know the habits of bees and how to remove and relocate the hive. To know for sure if the bees are going to be saved, make sure no chemicals are used and that the bees are going to an apiary. Every actual beekeeper equipped to handle a bee removal should be able to go into depth on all the how-tos.

 When a beehive is exterminated, not only are the bees killed but the honeycombs are left behind.

 This now leaves the beehive unmaintained. An established beehive can have over a hundred pounds of honeycomb and brood comb (the baby bees). The Phoenix, AZ heat will melt the honey and cause it to drip into your home. Also, the dead bees and brood comb will rot. I’ve seen it hundreds of times where this mess attracts MORE pests such as moths, ants, and roof rats. 

Bees also are attracted to places previous hives have built.

even if chemicals/pheromones have been sprayed. It’s almost GUARANTEED to get bees again if you don’t have the beehive properly taken care of. The leftover beehive is a bee magnet! 

Jon, the bee rescue guy at Stung and Sticky Beekeeper, LLC, takes a different approach to bee control/bee rescue.

The entire beehive is safely removed and relocated outside of the Phoenix area. First, we locate and gain access to the hive. Then with a special vacuum called a ‘bee-vac’  that uses low suction, we suck the bees up into a cage. We remove the layers of honeycomb and brood and place them in buckets to later be joined back with the hive. You will not have those issues above by removing the entire hive. We always rescue the bees and NEVER exterminate the bees. Save the bees!

We have successfully done thousands of live bee removals around the Phoenix Valley.

With experience in every type of removal, we have you covered. We use FLIR to locate the beehive and have every kind of tool to safely and correctly remove any bees you might find yourself with. We are also properly insured to provide everyone with the best peace of mind. 

Pros of Live Bee Removal Phoenix

Cons of Extermination

Beekeeper phoenix

 Let us take all the bee stings and get sticky as we take care of your bees in Phoenix, AZ!

Our bee removal quotes are straightforward. In most cases, we can give you a flat-rate quote over the phone when you call (623)882-5890

Check out some of our reviews!

Emily Fritsch
Emily Fritsch
So detailed and courteous. He cleaned up any and all mess, was very careful with my home, very thorough, very honest about what would run me the best price, very knowledgeable, very flexible with scheduling. 100% satisfied with this company. Quality that is affordable! Other companies I called tried to rob me blind, but this one is AWESOME! I even got to keep some honey comb and made a jar of honey fresh from the attic lol. Amazing job.
Sheila Lynn Bloom
Sheila Lynn Bloom
They’re great guys and a great company. When our beekeeper arrived, he had already been to 1-2 homes and had 2 buckets of bees. He took the time to move them out of the hot sun and put them in the shade. He was very detailed and considerate, and took time to answer all of our questions, even as he worked in the heat of the day. We’ve had bees under our shed 2 years ago and had to hire someone to kill them off last time because we couldn’t find anyone who could do live bee removal and we were about to go out of town. When they came back, I knew I needed to find a live bee removal company and I'm glad we researched and found Stung and Sticky. I highly recommend Stung and Sticky!
Joanna Rammell
Joanna Rammell
We had a swarm of bees unexpectedly choose our garden/yard near the pool where the children often play. I sent a picture to Jon and within a few moments, he called me. He came out that same day and handled it all quickly and efficiently! He even called and gave me an ETA when he was done with his last job. That kind of service has gotten more and more rare as I've aged. He is a polite young man who knows the subject of bees well

I see bees...what's going on??

Three things could be going on…

#1 You could be seeing a beehive

This is when a swarm of bees has moved in and built their home. A colony of bees can have anywhere between 10,000-100,000 bees. Bees can build almost anywhere…inside your attic space, under a shed, caves, hollow tree, in an eave, or inside your wall.

You may be seeing just a few bees going in and out of a small crack. These bees forage for nectar, pollen, and water and bring it back to the hive.

It can look like not much is there, BUT in reality, there could be over 100+ lbs of honey and THOUSANDS of bees. 

If you’re seeing any bee activity call a bee removal expert IMMEDIATELY! We always recommend getting them removed as soon as you notice. They will continue to grow and expand! The queen in the summer can lay up to 2,000 eggs a day, increasing the colony exponentially. If it looks like you have a beehive, don’t hesitate to talk to a beekeeper at (623)882-5890

beehive building in stucco wall
Bee removal in Phoenix
beehive in wall arizona
Bees at entrance of hive in Phoenix
beautiful honey bee swarm
Bee swarm rescue in Phoenix

#2 You might be seeing a honeybee swarm.

This is a bee colony that is looking for a new home. They are typically are hanging from some object ( i.e., a tree). They all cling together and form a “ball” of bees. 

Because the bees are “in the market” for a home, so to speak, we always recommend having them relocated ASAP. The bee swarm will be sending out scout bees to find a place to establish themselves. We’ve seen where someone has waited to see what happens, and the swarm ends up moving into their home

If you have a swarm, call us, and we will get those bees relocated!

 For honey bee swarm removal in Phoenix, AZ, Call (623)882-5890  or visit our contact page today!

++We have a flat rate fee for exposed swarm removal of $120! If the bees are in the greater Phoenix valley, fully exposed, and not higher than 15 ft.++

3.  You could be seeing bees Scouting or pollinating.

 A scout bee is a bee looking for nectar, pollen, water, or a new home for a swarm. If you see bees flying around a flowering tree or bush, chances are they are pollinating the flowers and bringing the nectar back to their hive to be made into honey. The same with pools of standing water….the bees are just getting water. 

If you see bees trying to get into somewhere like your roof, wall, etc. You may already have an established hive. In the best-case scenario, they are bees sent out to find a home to bring the rest of the colony. IF you’re having ANY bee activity around your home/business, call IMMEDIATELY! 

For any questions about any bee activity you are having around your property, please call us at (623)882-5890. If needed, we’ll check out what’s going on and do a full property inspection. 

save the bees in phoenix
Honey bee scouting in Phoenix, AZ

How to remove bees?


The First Step Is To Locate Where exactly they are building. Often Considerable Investigation Is Required To Locate The Location Of The Hive if its Within A Structure.

bee removal from water box
beehive in wall arizona


Once We Have Access To The Hive We Begin To Suck Them Up In A  Specially Made “Bee Vac” That Will Safely Relocate Them Into A Bee Cage Without Damage. Once We Get To The Comb We Carefully Remove It. Most Of The Usable Pieces Of Comb Will Go Back With The Bees At Our Apiary.


Once We Have Found The Location Of The Hive. We Develop A Plan gain Access to The Beehive. We then Open up any area needed to expose the hive.

Bees ready to be relocated
bee rescue az


Once We Have The Bees And The Comb. We Relocate The Mis-Nested Hive To One Of Our Apiaries In Buckeye, Arizona.

Our Bee Removal Prices

Call (623)882-5890 or visit our contact page for a no-obligation bee rescue quote. Most of our jobs range between $95-350 depending on how long the bees have been there and the location. 

We would love to be able to offer free bee removal with the danger bees are in. Unfortunately, due to the work and expenses involved, we can’t sustain free bee removals.

Why Live Beehive Removal?

First off, we need bees. Honey bees and all types of bees are essential to the world’s Eco-system, providing cross-pollination between plants. 

Second, using chemicals to kill off a hive doesn’t resolve the issue. It leaves all of the honey/combs that the bees have built there in their stay right where the hive was – sometimes even 100+lbs of honey and brood (the baby bees) can be left inside. 

With the bees dead, this causes the beeswax to melt, the brood to rot, and the honey to soften, which, if in a house, will run down the walls making a mess. All this honey mess acts as a HIGH attractant to other bees looking for a home in the future. Bees like to live where another hive(s) have lived – we’ve seen it time and time again where bees moved right next to where an old hive was exterminated. It ALSO attracts other pests such as roaches, rats/mice, ants, etc. 

We never leave the honeycomb/brood but always take it out to prevent future re-infestation and other problems. At the same time,  we also keep the bees alive. Don’t call an exterminator who won’t fully take care of the situation. We are beekeepers that know bees and know how to remove them from your property in Arizona safely.

Call (623)882-5890 or visit our contact page to get a free analysis and schedule an appointment with a professional beekeeper. 


Please Exercise Great Caution Around Any Bee Hive You Find Near Your Premises. The Africanized Bees, In Particular, Can Be Extremely Aggressive And Need To Be Removed By A Professional. Don’t Try To Spray Them Or Seal Them In. For You Safety Leave The Bees Alone!

Live bee removal from wall
Beekeeper Jon removing honey comb from block wall

Hello from Jon – Arizona’s bee removal expert! 

My mission is to provide you with live bee rescue in any bee situation you may find yourself in!

I’ve been keeping bees since I was 15 years old and have grown to appreciate them! 

Here at Stung and Sticky Beekeeper LLC, we take pride in providing you with quality professional care for you and your bees!


Bee Removal Services in Phoenix, AZ We Offer!

Common Bee removal questions:

What to do if you have bees?

Is it possible to remove bees live?

How to get rid of unwanted bees?

Are Killer Bees a problem in Arizona?

There is a lot of hype over the Africanized bee or “Killer Bee.” And yes, we do have them in Phoenix, Arizona. But to tell for sure what type of bee they are, the bees have been tested in a lab. You can’t differentiate them by just looking.

 Even though many of the hives in Arizona have been Africanized, that does not mean all are. The Africanized bee is a honey bee… like there are different types of dog kinds and the different types of dogs have additional attributes (i.e., some are known to be more aggressive than others.) The same is with Africanized bees…they’re more aggressive than most types of honey bees.  Each hive has its own “personality,” where there are different aggressiveness levels. 

That being said, we deal with the Africanized bees all the time and are fully equipped to deal with them. Give us a call at (623)882-5890 if you see any bee activity.

Beekeeper vs. exterminator?

#Live Bee Removal and Bee Rescue Across Phoenix, AZ#

Call or text (623)882-5890 Today!